What does it mean to wear a poker face

Sex symbols: what does a blue hankie in your left back pocket… Made in 1977, when Fischer was in his 20s, the Gay Semiotics series is a wonderfully poker-faced portrait of queer male culture in San Francisco’s Castro and Haight-Ashbury neighbourhoods at their carefree apogee.I did not tell these people what to do, what to wear or anything.” Poker-Faced definition/meaning

Wearing costumes as almost as outrageous worn by the Poker Face worn by the Poker Face in g er, the Hydro was in g er, the Hydro was riot of crazy outfits by the the gig kicked off last night. It seems the Poker Face singer has taken a liking to a good old British brew and demands it wherever she is in the world. How to Have a Good Poker Face - wikiHow Relax your face. Your face is the first giveaway that could cost you a game of poker. Keeping your emotions and reactions in check regarding hands dealt to you is a key part of poker. Any type of expression sacrifices your power in situations with your opponents. Clear your mind, wiggle your face to loosen the muscles, take a deep breath, and relax. What does the meme, "Poker face" mean? | Yahoo Answers Best Answer: Okay, so when you are playing Poker, you don't want other people to know what your cards are. You need to keep a perfectly straight face the whole entire time so you do not give away anything. Lots of people like to wear sunglasses while playing Poker to disguise the look on their face. They ... What does 'Poker face' mean in Chinese? - Quora

When your face shows happiness and satisfaction, employees feel motivated and engaged.The best poker faces happen when you know what yours looks like. Study your face in a mirror and burn into your brainOr maybe it’s a German Shephard, named Rolf, wearing a muzzle (pleasant enough).

Idioms in Music: Lady Gaga Lyrics Explained - Online Editing and ... Picture of Lady Gaga wearing meat ... contained within some of Lady Gaga's most popular songs and tell you exactly what they mean. ... Momma told me that it would happen to me one day ... Lady Gaga Lyrics: Poker Face ... The term poker face is mostly used when talking about the card game poker; poker players don't  ... How to have a good poker face? What's the ... - Cash Game Festival Jul 3, 2018 ... Not about Lady Gaga's “Poker Face”, although it is an epic piece of work, but ... meant to conceal one's emotions is also known as a poker face, referring ... emotions but keep negatives ones in check by wearing a poker face. Perfecting Your Poker Face - MensXP.com Nov 22, 2013 ... A poker face belies the need for transparency,can be learnt from role ... This means that he's probably trying to cook up a story, the perfect lie.

poker face. A visage lacking any expression that can be interpreted, as in Whenever Betty attended one of her children's performances, she managed to keep a poker face. This term alludes to the facial expression of a poker player who is expert at concealing his feelings about his hand. [c. 1880] Show More.

Poker Face | Know Your Meme Poker Face is a 4pane exploitable series illustrating mostly awkward and sometimes embarrassing social situations experienced by the main character, who always responds with a blank expression and a caption that reads "poker face." Origin. First appearing in 2010 on 4chan's /b/ forum, ... Why are some people poker faced? - Quora Why are some people poker faced? Because it is their choice. ‘’Poker Face’’ is an expression that’s trying to hide any emotions. The person prefers to appear void of any emotions to the observer. While on the inside they go through a turmoil of feelings and emotions, on the outside they appear cool, calm, and collected. CAN YOU GUESS WHO'S LYING? | Poker Face #2 (REACT) Poker Face S1 • E9 Can Friends Guess If Their Friend Is Lying? (Shock wand, Manure) | Poker Face - Duration: 10:46. REACT 1,225,717 views. 10:46.

The Oxford English Dictionary also suggests it might have been influenced by poker face, which is one of the senses it gives for the word; that is not quite how it is understood today, but it does imply somebody who is trying not to show a reaction to some happening of which they disapprove.

Why do guys have that poker face or give the blank stare? Update Cancel. Answer Wiki. 9 Answers. Dennis Do, I ... Why do guys stare at me when I wear capri? Why was he staring without any expression on his face? ... What does it mean if a guy stops talking and stares intensely into your eyes with a serious/blank face? What does it mean when ... What Your Face Really Tells the World About You ... What Your Face Really Tells the World About You Research into 'resting bitch face' and other implications of our expressions. Posted Aug 04, 2015 Blank expression - Wikipedia

What does poker face mean in Urban Dictionary?

Poker Face is about many things. Lady Gaga has been asked many times the meaning of this song and she has given several different answers. First and foremost, it is obvious that lyrically Poker Face is about sex and gambling; or more specifically, sex, with the use of gambling metaphors. What does 'Poker face' mean in Chinese? - Quora Sep 30, 2016 · Well, Chinese people are pretty utilitarian. So a person work well enough poker face would be not an important characteristic. I know you may see many Chinese with such expression. Mostly it only means they don’t think about or feel about anything... What does the meme, "Poker face" mean? | Yahoo Answers Dec 19, 2011 · Best Answer: Okay, so when you are playing Poker, you don't want other people to know what your cards are. You need to keep a perfectly straight face the whole entire time so you do not give away anything. Lots of people like to wear sunglasses while playing Poker to disguise the look on their face…

Poker Tells - How to Read Your Opponent's Hand | PokerHack Poker has always been about out-thinking your opponents. Sometimes, they even make it easy for you! Find out how in our guide to Poker Tells today! Top 10 Casino High Rollers 2009 - OCK It takes quick thinking, decisiveness and a special nerve under immense pressure. If you don’t have all three of those attributes, you’re not going to make it onto Online Casino King’s top ten casino high rollers.